Biomass Heating Systems

A Biomass heating system is used for burning fuel derived from biomass. Sources of biomass is usually wood which is made up from saw dust and cut-offs from saw mills which are turned into small pellets for convenient transportation.

The wood-pellets are burned on a grate and are either automatically or manually fed at a constant flow onto the grate from a screw auger or moving grate.

We have the latest in technology in Biomass heating systems including Wood pellet stoves and wood Pellet Boilers, we also stock and distribute Irish manufactured wood pellet on a nationwide basis, checkout out wood pellet stoves or our wood Pellet Boilers or if you are simply interested in purchasing our pellet in bags or loose pellet in Bulk then visit our Wood Pellet Supply where you can order online.

The heat produced from the burning of the wood-pellets is used to heat a water boiler which can get as hot as 90°C within a short space of time. The water is then pumped through the house via a loop for radiant and or water heating. The heating output and biomass fuel feed is kept maintained automatically and can be set for a desired comfort level and water temperature.

Learning from History

History tells use that biomass heating systems are a genuine alternative to fossil fuel heating and water systems.
The energy crisis in the 70’s when fossil fuel costs spiraled, biomass heating systems came into their own and were
used to great success.

With Fuel for biomass heating systems coming in at one of the most cost-effective fuel sources on the market and growing annually it makes sense.

Biomass heating systems are at their best when the fuel is automatically fed at a steady rate.
This provides more fuel efficiency and maintains lower costs. With high-priced fossil fuels and increasing,
there is greater pressure in the home to lower temperatures for fuel cost savings.